Keeping Your Readers Interested in Your News


Keeping Your Readers Interested in Your News

Definition of News. News is basically an unpublished account of human action, which seeks primarily to inform, interest, or entertain the readers. The first condition of news is that it ought to have been first published somewhere before. Secondly, it ought to come to the public’s attention for the first time in some other way.

News makes news and so much more. Even the most mundane of events is covered by newspapers and magazines with the sole purpose of informing the public about them. News is written for the public in order to make them aware of current affairs and current trends in human activity. This purpose goes beyond informing the public about events and trends, but also about personal activities.

News helps build awareness about something. Whether it is a film, a sports game or a local political event, news helps people keep informed about events in their area by bringing in hard news stories from all over the country. By bringing in information about hard news stories from different parts of the country, newspapers and magazines help build up awareness. People begin to know how something happened when they had not heard of it before. News helps keep the citizens well-informed, in turn, making them better able to react when it comes to current events and trends in human interest.

The other conditions of news make it a valuable commodity. Because of its value, news has to be hard and fast, interesting, fresh, and accurate to hold the interest of readers. In a society where people have to spend half an hour online searching for what they need to know, news can make people stop for a while, digest it, and then decide whether it is worth the information they are getting. News helps bring about social change by changing the views and behaviors of those who read it.

When we talk about the way it may affect readers, it usually is through the readers’ reaction to it. Readers get affected by news in different ways. Some readers may react to a story by becoming excited about it. Others may react by becoming disgusted, worried. And some readers may react by becoming apathetic or by changing their mind about the story.

News readers do not necessarily react the same way to different news stories. For example, while a serious piece of news like the conviction of a serial child killer may have shocked the country, readers would most likely react with shock and disgust. However, a funny piece about a celebrity may have readers being glued to their television screens waiting for the rest of the story to unfold. Arouse interest and emotion in your readers by keeping your news brief, unique, and surprising.